Constellation Project

Orion   Orion  Orion
images from and


Orion Cygnus Cassiopeia Pegasus
Auriga Taurus Canis Major Andromeda
Gemini Cetus Bootes Perseus

These are the constellations we will be doing for our constellation cans.


You will be asked to make a five minute presentation which includes the following information:

  1. Find or make a picture of your constellation about the size of your can end.   Turn it over and mark the same stars on the back side so that you have a mirror image.
  2. Cover one end of your can with a black construction paper circle.  Tape it down securely.
  3. Cover the black paper with your mirror image pattern.  With a compass or other sharp pointed  instrument make holes to represent the stars in both pieces of paper.  Try to make large holes for the large stars and small holes for the small stars.
  4. Type and print out the name of your constellation and its legend in a rectangle the size and shape you need to cover the can's sides and tape the paper to the can.  Include your own name, too.

Constellation Links:

    Constellation Families by Christine Kronberg
    The Constellations and their Stars by Chris Dolan
    Constellation pages of the Hawaii Astronomical Society's Deepsky Atlas
    The Constellations page by Richard Dibon-Smith
    Constellations by the Peoria Astronomical Society
    Constellation Mythology by Cathy Bell

STARS: Portraits of Stars and their Constellations by Jim Kaler
    Constellations of Words by Anne Wright 
    Windows to the Universe from the National Earth Science Teachers Association

Find your constellation in the night sky at

    Your Sky:  Johnny Walker's On-line Planetarium


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