ARI and KTI visit Washington State July 2011
Washington 2011-001
Whale watching on the Puget Sound Express

Common Murre
Washington 2011-002
Washington 2011-003
Orcas off Victoria, BC, Canada

Washington 2011-004
Washington 2011-005
Dungeness Recreation Area
Washington 2011-006
Washington 2011-007
Looking toward the Dungeness Spit - the world's longest natural sand spit

Dungeness Wildlife Refuge
Washington 2011-008
Washington 2011-009

Washington 2011-010
Washington 2011-011
Sunflower sea star

Eagles are everywhere in Sequim
Washington 2011-012
Washington 2011-013

Salt Creek Recreation Area.

The tide is out.

Kayaking on Freshwater Bay with Adventures Through Kayaking Outfitters
Washington 2011-014
Washington 2011-015
Washington 2011-018
Ochre star and Giant Green Anemone
Washington 2011-016
Washington 2011-019
Sol Duc Hot Springs
Washington 2011-020

Wild flowers are in bloom and we see a deer with twin fawns

Washington 2011-021

Washington 2011-022  
Washington 2011-023
Washington 2011-024
Washington 2011-025
Sol Duc Falls and a dipper
Washington 2011-026
Washington 2011-027
Olympia Mountains
Washington 2011-028
Washington 2011-029
Glaucous-winged gull and chicks

Ferry to Edmonds
Washington 2011-030
Washington 2011-031
This is what the gulls were eating. Maybe tubeworms?

Rachel's foot and a purple starfish (a form of ochre star) with a perfect star in the center.
Washington 2011-032
Washington 2011-033
Rachel and Katy - ready for Sasha's wedding in Seattle
Washington 2011-034

Skip and Kathy
Washington 2011-035
Chairs are set up in Parsons Gardens
Judy, Katy, Rachel, Madison, Hana, Rob
Washington 2011-036
Anne and Peter join Sasha and the wedding attendants
Washington 2011-037
Washington 2011-038
Washington 2011-039
Laura and Sasha get hitched - 7/16/2011
Karin and Katie read a poem.
Washington 2011-040
Washington 2011-041
Barbeued pork for dinner!

Rachel and a friend at the Urban Light Studios - a good time was had by all
Washington 2011-042