Birding and more in Florida- February 2019
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge--mangroves and birds everywhere

Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge--mangroves and birds everywhere
Roseate spoonbill and  blue-winged teal
Roseate spoonbill and blue-winged teal

Bluewinged teals

Bluewinged teals
Roseate Spoonbill--adult
Roseate spoonbill - adult

Immature roseate spoonbill

Roseate spoonbill -- juvenile
The spoonbill feeds by swinging his bill back and forth
The spoonbill feeds by swinging his bill back and forth

Roseate spoonbill, blue-winged teal, and northern shovelers

Roseate spoonbill, blue-winged teal, and northern shovelers
Northern shovelers
Northern shovelers

Coots at Merritt Island

Coots at Merritt Island
Coots and blue-winged teal
Coots and blue-winged teal

Coot and female blue-winged teal

Coot and female blue-winged teal
American Coots
American Coots

Common moorhen

Common moorhen
Reddish egret - dark morph
Reddish egret - dark morph

Reddish egret fishing

Reddish egret fishing
Reddish egret courtship
Reddish egret courtship

White ibis

White ibis
White ibis
White ibis

Lesser yellowlegs

Lesser yellowlegs

Tri-colored heron

Great blue heron
from the front

Tri-colored heron
Snowy egret
Snowy egret

Caspian terns, snowy egrets, and a snowy plover

Caspian terms, snowy egrets, and a snowy plover
Caspian terns, ruddy turnstone, willett, black-bellied plover
Caspian terns, ruddy turnstones, willet, black-bellied plover


Glossy ibis
Glossy ibis

Glossy ibis

Glossy ibis
White pelican, glossy ibises, shoveler, blue-winged teal
White pelican, glossy ibises, shoveler, blue-winged teal

Great egret

Great egret
Great egret
Great egret

Roseate sponbill and great egret

Roseate sponbill and great egret
Cattle egret
Cattle egret

Cattle egret

Cattle egret
Little blue heron
Little blue heron

Immature little blue heron

Immature little blue heron



Gaillardia pulchella (Indian blanket)

Gaillardia pulchella (Indian blanket)
Alligator at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge
Alligator at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge

Ruddy turnstones at Sebastian Inlet State Park

Ruddy turnstones  at Sebastian Inlet State Park
Ruddy turnstones
Ruddy turnstones

Ruddy turnstone

Ruddy turnstone
Black skimmers at Sebastian Inlet State Park
Black skimmers at Sebastian Inlet State Park

Brown pelicans at Sebastian Inlet state park

Brown pelicans at Sebastian Inlet state park
Brown pelican at Key Largo
Brown pelican at Key Largo

Kestrel at Jonathan Dickinson State Park

Kestrel at Jonathan Dickinson State Park
Julia butterfly
Julia butterfly

Iguana in mangroves at Kay Largo

Iguana in mangroves at Kay Largo
Manatee at Key Largo
Manatee at Key Largo

Manatee inspecting our kayak

Manatee exploring our kayak
Brown anole
Brown anole

Curly tailed lizard

Curly tailed lizard
Fiddler crab
Fiddler crab

Sea anemones. mermaid's wine glass, and sargassum underwater at Key Largo

Sea anemones. mermaid's wine glass, and sargassum underwater at Key Largo
Green algae
Green algae

An upsidedown upsidedown jelly

An upsidedown upsidedown jelly
Upsidedown jelly
Upsidedown jelly

Ring-billed gull

Ring-billed gull
Skip birding
Skip looking for birds at Canaveral National Seashore

Kathy on glass bottomed boat going to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park

Kathy on boat