Everglades and Sugarloaf Key in Florida - January-February 2012

We began with a morning kayak trip along the Turner River in Big Cypress National Preserve.
We were pleased to see a pair of white ibises.

There's a life bird hiding in there...a limpkin.

Later we got a much better view.
IMG_3243 limpkin
Spanish moss hangs from the trees.IMG_3234
Alligators are everywhere.
IMG_3236 (2)
IMG_3260 baby alligators
IMG_3314great egret
Here's a great egret.

A bittern tries to hide in the grass.
                                              IMG_3273bittern and lily
Water lilies are in bloom.IMG_3250waterlily

This night heron hides too.


IMG_3303pileated woodpecker
A pileated woodpecker works on a dead tree.

A bald eagle supervises.
                     IMG_3323bald eagle (2)
Roseate spoonbills work the grasses

roseate spoonbill

with a little blue heron and some ibises.
IMG_3354heron and ibis
Later we looked out on the Everglades "river of grass."

The next day we explored the cypress swamp further.
cypress swamp     
IMG_3400florida red-shouldered hawks (2)
We saw a pair of Florida red-shouldered hawks

and a great blue heron eating a catfish.IMG_3418heron and fish

A little blue heron scratches his head.

This common butterfly is a gulf fritillary.
IMG_3411gulf fritillary
There are double-crested cormorants in the trees


and anhingas everwhere.
IMG_3487   IMG_3463anhinga  
Anhingas have blue eyes!
swamp lily
This beautiful flower is a swamp lily.

Woodstorks work alone or in groups.
IMG_3468woodstorks IMG_3599woodstork (2)
At Shark Valley the wildlife are so accustomed to people you can get really close - if you want to.
IMG_3496 (2) IMG_3499kti (2) 
Here are both juvenile and adult white ibises and a tricolored heron.
IMG_3555ibis young and old and tricolored heron (2)    IMG_3747whiteibis  
An alligator pants in the afternoon sun.
                                        IMG_3565alligator panting 
IMG_3608american bittern
This American bittern was much easier to see.

A black vulture let me come close enough to admire his interesting face.
IMG_3631tricolored heron flying
A tricolored heron flies away.

And in the scrub, a red-winged blackbird sings.
IMG_3633redwsing blackbird sings  
A green heron watches patiently and then stre-e-etches for his fish.
IMG_3675 IMG_3665green heron dives
A great blue heron adjusts his feathers.

Another bird we didn't remember having seen before was a purple gallinule.
We drove down to Flamingo on the southern tip to see crocodiles. We saw a manatee and her calf, too, but they don't photograph well.
At Mahogany Hammock we saw the largest living mahogany tree, gumbo-limbo trees, and lots of air plants.
This bromeliad is blooming.

Here is a zebra butterfly.
The Florida Keys are another world, with mangrove trees growing right out into the water.
This mangrove swamp is full of dowitchers probing the mud.
And here's another life bird - a reddish egret.

The reddish egret does a peculiar dance as it feeds. The white morph is actually more common in Florida.
IMG_3845 (2)dancingreddishegret     IMG_3885 (2)whitemorphreddishegret  
On the ocean side of Sugarloaf Key there was a lovely stretch of shoreline with tide pools.
Our hosts had a nice pool, too.

This iguana came to visit them.