Family and Friends Celebrate Karin and Sasha's Birthday at
the North 40 in Central Wisconsin - June 2013
The old picnic tables have seen better days.
The Stables provide more modern accomodations.

Karin watches Rob begin preparing the lamb. |
Peter helps attach it to the spit. |
This should
be solid enough.
The spitted lamb has many admirers. |
There are even tents and chairs so we can watch
comfortably as the lamb cooks.
There are a variety of games to play. |
Madison stretches out to rest.
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There's going to be goat stew, too. |
Emily gets frisbee instruction.
Adam and Rachel join the game. |
For a moment, Hana has the hammock to herself.
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That lamb is looking better and better.
Will a watched lamb ever cook? |
and soon she can really throw. |
The lamb is ready to be released.
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Come and get it! Will Sasha be first?
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It looks delicious...and it was. |
The next day Laura filled in the pit, with help from
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Madison showed me a deer skeleton. |
The second and third generation.
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Katy, Karin, Sasha, Robert, Katie, Jenny - in the back
row |
Rachel, Adam, Madison, Hana, and Emily see something
Katy and Rob brought fireworks.
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like North 40 wild flowers
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Sandhill cranes in an Adams County field |
Anne and Kathy at the Wisconsin River at the end of a
grand celebration
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